Thursday, August 21, 2014

Humbled week 3

I'm more than half way done with my stay at the MTC.  In one week, I will get my travel plans, and in 18 days I will be on my way to Argentina!  

So, our zone is really big into singing, so every week we are part of the choir that sings in the big Tuesday devotional.  We practice twice a week.  It's really hard.  I know nothing about singing.  I didn't even know the difference between soprano and alto until I got here!  I sing high soprano to stay with my companion and it's exhausting.  While it's such an amazing, spiritual experience- I'll be glad to go back to only singing normal, easy, everyday hymns.  Since we are from West Campus, we are always in the front row.  The camera guys always show where we are sitting multiple times during the performance- it's so embarrassing!!  Afterwards people always comment on how much screen time me and my companion get.

We have HUGE every missionary devotionals on Sunday and Tuesday.  They are always so amazing.  The last 3 were Jenny Oaks Baker (Elder Oaks daughter, who played the violin for half her talk), The general YW, and general primary presidents.  

My favorite part about P-day is doing laundry because I get to fold my clothes.  I LOVE folding clothes!!!

So the Elders in our district pulled a really big joke on us!  So Elder Butts and Elder Tracy were actually supposed to train in the Columbia MTC, but ended up here.  Two weeks ago, Elder Butts told me that his visa finally came in, and that he was going to be leaving this Monday, to do his last 3 weeks in the Colombian MTC.  I was heartbroken.  Our district is SO CLOSE- they are all literally like my brothers and sisters.  I felt especially bad for Elder Tracy, because he was loosing his companion- and they are so attached to each other.  I started praying for Elder Tracy everyday, that he would either get his visa too, or be comforted and adjust to life without Elder Butts.  I was bummed about Butts for a good week- when on Sunday I found out it was a big joke the entire time!!!  Those sneaky elders!  They got everyone in on it.  Our teachers, every other district in the zone, the BRANCH PRESIDENT!! During our weekly meeting, president brought it up and organized for Elder Tracy to become a 3-some with other elders in our district.  I can't believe how funny they think they are.  Last time I pray for the well being of those boys!  (joke- I love them).

While the unity in our district is so amazing, its super hard as well.  Sometimes it's impossible to get anything done because we just want to play all day.  We have wars with Pringle lids, and Gatorade caps (if you put these between your folded over pointer finger and thumb, then flick- they do some serious damage), we translate our favorite movie quotes and songs, and take unflattering candid photos of one another.  One of the Elders in the zone translated Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream speech into Spanish. He stood on the second floor balcony and recited it all to us in a dramatic voice.  Sometimes I wonder how he can't memorize scripture.  This is also the Elder who hollowed out a banana and drank root beer from it.  He's infamous to the cafeteria workers.  

Some of the Elders in the zone are really mad at me right now.  Because I don't like Tarzan, or Phil Collins.  It's pretty serious.  They shunned me for a good ten minutes. 

I made the mistake of sewing on a button for Elders Tracy the first week, and now all the elders come to me when they have wardrobe malfunctions.  We've super glued belts and shoes, and done a lot of sewing.  I wonder if they know the most of the other Hermanas can sew too.

At Jamba Juice today, the woman in front of us prepaid a large amount for our smoothies, and we got the rest of the balance on a gift card.  The tender mercies of the Lord are all them whom he hath chosen, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance.  

I'm sad to admit but this week has been really hard. The worst days I've had here.  We've been in kind of a slump.  I've had hardly any motivation to study.  Last Saturday it was really bad, but as I was reading King Benjamin's address to the people- I got a little fire under my belly, but I could have been working harder.  Sunday was amazing- because it is impossible to have a bad Sunday.  Then Monday hit.  We taught 4 lessons, and they went okay- but the spirit just wasn't as strong as it could have been.  Tuesday was THE PITS. Both of our lessons went awful.  The spirit wasn't there, I knew it, my companion knew it, and out teacher knew it.  I felt like crying.  I knew I wasn't giving my all to  Lord. That day, our teacher did companion study with us.  He is so amazing, and I don't know what I would do without him.  We studied Christ like attributes, and made goals to help us achieve them and invite the spirit to help us teach.  We chose faith and diligence.  Our diligence goal was to not waste any time the next day.  Spend all of our study time wisely.   In the MTC are encouraged to do a program called Speak Your Language (SYL), where we try to only talk solely in our mission language.  If we absolutely cannot say it in Spanish ( after trying at least one time first)  we can say it in English if we look it up later.  No one does it, but our teacher encouraged me and my companion to use SYL all of Wednesday for our goal to show faith.  

I didn't think it was possible, but through the Lord- anything is.  My dictionary became my best friend.  I didn't talk as much as I normally do, or make as much sense- but yesterday was one of the best days I've ever had.  We need to rely on the Lord.  We are not good enough on our own, but we can be more than good with the Lords hand. If this is boasting, even so will I boast.  For he is my life, my light, and my salvation.  Many mighty miracles have we wrought in which we will praise his name forever, because He has been mindful of us, wanderers in a strange land. I'm so glad that I was able to have this experience early in my mission.  Next time I have doubt, or don't feel like enough- faithful, exact obedience can help.  

With love for you all, 
Hermana Shumway
Oh, and I loved getting all your letters this week.  I got two letters yesterday, and I literally teared up I was so happy.  One of them ended up being from my companians Mother.  It was one of the sweetest things I've ever read.
Tell the boys to start studying hard in school.  It's so sad how many missionaries don't know how to study, and refuse to learn.  I used to think I was pretty good at studying, but a missionary schedule really is like a slap from a brick in the face.  Plus, no girl wants to marry a dummy!

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