Because the church offices are in my area, all of the Hermanas that are doing their visa work have to spend the night in our apartment. And we have to do splits with them. When I first started out here I didn´t really like it (because I love working with my companion, and the other hermanas don´t know our investigators), but it´s really cool to get to know the other hermanas. And this week we had a HUGE miracle while I was on splits with an hermana from Brazil!
We went to a REALLY, REALLY inactive members house (actually outside of his house because he never lets us enter!) And he told us to leave, stop bothering him, that he never wants to pray or step foot in the church again, normal stuff. Then I felt prompted to remind him of the last time he accompanied us (about 2 months ago) and how much fun we had and how great we all felt. He kinda stopped talking after that, and we left him with a prayer. We left to visit other people and I was a little bummed. And then he sent us a really long message that made my week. He said that he was sad the moment we left his house, and he realized he was only happy when he was in the church, when he read his scriptures, helped us in the work, and did all the things to help him feel the spirit!
I couldn´t help but cry when I read this. A few days after he left with us for the day, and is helping us IMMENSELY with some of our investigators. I sat next to him during sacrament meeting, and I´ve never seen anyone SO HAPPY after taking the sacrament. He couldn´t help but smile with all of his heart and sigh audibly! I´m so grateful for the spirit and how it helps us be happy. We can find happiness in a lot of things, but the only true joy we can feel is through the spirit of God and the light of Christ.
I´ve never been happier in my life. There is no greater happiness, than sharing this happiness with someone whose never felt it in their life before.
Do the things that will help you feel the spirit and be happy!
-Hermana Shumway
Judging by my photos, guess how much weight I´ve gained. I´ll bring back analfajor for whomever is closest!
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