Monday, January 12, 2015

My first transfer!

This has been the craziest week of my life.  On Monday, I had to travel to Salta to finish my visa stuff (which is like 2 hours from my area).  I was just supposed to spend 1 night  and return to Perico BUT, the police station was on vacation and I had to stay another day.  In total, I was gone 3 days, sleeping in the apartment of the hermanas of Tres Cerritos (3 little hills), visiting the police stations, and working a little bit in their area. 

Satan was working really hard while we were gone. And we didn´t have time to fix the damage. In three short days (mon, tue, wed), he managed to convince our baptism for this coming week to be baptized in another church.  And our other baptism, decided that she doesn´t want to listen to us any more.  Then  thursday we are inside almost the entire day planning, friday we had to travel far to attend the training meeting of a different zone because we missed ours while I was in Salta an extra day.  Saturday we FINALLY had time to work.  While we were walking to our first appointment- we saw an apartment for rent (we have been looking for a new one for a long time now) so we knocked, the lady showed us right away, we loved it, and decided to move in immediantly.  So there wasn´t and time to work.  

Sunday was the hardest day of my mission so far.  I cried the whole time during the church meetings, and when I had to say goodbye to my converts, members, and les actives.  I can´t express how much I love Perico, and the people.

Then at 11 at night, they called to tell us about the transfers.  My new area is...... Tres Cerritos, Salta! The area I was in for a few days. It`s SOO different than Perico. It´s central Salta. And, our Mission President lives in our ward. His kids and wife acompany us for our visits sometimes. Me and my new compañera (Hermana Alcerro de Honduras) are the only missionaries in the ward.    The houses here are mansions.  There aren´t dirt roads.  There is a McDonalds. The mission offices are in our boundries. I don´t know what life is anymore!

We had to go the the terminal with our compañeras de apartment, and we were in the terminal from 12 at night untill my bus left at 7 in the morning.  We didn´t sleep

But, I´m very happy.  The people here don´t have the same humility as Perico, but I know the Savior is going to bless us!  I´m a bit nervous, but it´s going to be a great opportunity to grow!

Love you all, 
Hermana Shumway

 Saying goodbye to  Perico, Jujuy
Last day in Perico con mi compañera Hermana Platino!

This is what it looks like when you don´t have a bed to sleep on in your new place

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