THE EARTHQUAKE WAS REALLY COOL!!!! And sad because people died, but
it was the first time that I´ve ever felt one. I´m in the part of the
mission that´s closest to the epicenter. It was about 8:30 in the
morning, just chill-in´ doing my personal study, feelin´ the spirit.
And then everything started to mildly shake for a few minutes. And I
just looked at my companion and Told her "Choo, Y la moyoria de los
argentinos aun se quedan dormidos" (And most of Argentina is still
sleeping) and then we just went back to studying. My people here
know how to sleep. Things don´t open until 9ish and NOTHING; NOTHING
is open from 1-5 because everyone is at home napping. I love it here.
Other exciting news, remember the wild ostriches that live here? WE
There are also wild monkeys. We saw 2 yesterday, they we super cute.
I have lots of really funny pictures to show you when I get back.
I don´t have an aunt named Jennifer Shumway do I? And a cousin named
Braden? From Arizona? They started e-mailing me and I literally
haven´t the slightest clue who they are.
This week was amazing because..... We hade 40 people in our sacrament
meeting! But only like 15 stayed for the other classes.
La familia Roque (who live in the village 20 minutes away from our
village) came and are really excited for their baptisms! They´ve
been reading the Book of Mormon and the teachings of President Benson
together every-night and feel the spirit SOOO strong. They invited
some of their friends to our last lesson. We taught the word of
wisdom and the law of chastity- AND EVEN THOUGH IT WAS THE FIRST TIME
of them really, really needed to hear our message and she cried and we
were able to teach about repentence and obedience to the Lord. It was
soo spiritual. Hno. Roque had goosebumps after the lesson.
Our branch President thinks that they will be able to start another
branch in their village. I feel so blessed to be in this area at this
Yesterday was mothers day here. I love you. It´s really cute here
because they make a HUGE deal out of it. They decorated the church
and everything.
Thank the Olsen´s for their letters! They are soo cute.
Miss you! Chau!!
it was the first time that I´ve ever felt one. I´m in the part of the
mission that´s closest to the epicenter. It was about 8:30 in the
morning, just chill-in´ doing my personal study, feelin´ the spirit.
And then everything started to mildly shake for a few minutes. And I
just looked at my companion and Told her "Choo, Y la moyoria de los
argentinos aun se quedan dormidos" (And most of Argentina is still
sleeping) and then we just went back to studying. My people here
know how to sleep. Things don´t open until 9ish and NOTHING; NOTHING
is open from 1-5 because everyone is at home napping. I love it here.
Other exciting news, remember the wild ostriches that live here? WE
There are also wild monkeys. We saw 2 yesterday, they we super cute.
I have lots of really funny pictures to show you when I get back.
I don´t have an aunt named Jennifer Shumway do I? And a cousin named
Braden? From Arizona? They started e-mailing me and I literally
haven´t the slightest clue who they are.
This week was amazing because..... We hade 40 people in our sacrament
meeting! But only like 15 stayed for the other classes.
La familia Roque (who live in the village 20 minutes away from our
village) came and are really excited for their baptisms! They´ve
been reading the Book of Mormon and the teachings of President Benson
together every-night and feel the spirit SOOO strong. They invited
some of their friends to our last lesson. We taught the word of
wisdom and the law of chastity- AND EVEN THOUGH IT WAS THE FIRST TIME
of them really, really needed to hear our message and she cried and we
were able to teach about repentence and obedience to the Lord. It was
soo spiritual. Hno. Roque had goosebumps after the lesson.
Our branch President thinks that they will be able to start another
branch in their village. I feel so blessed to be in this area at this
Yesterday was mothers day here. I love you. It´s really cute here
because they make a HUGE deal out of it. They decorated the church
and everything.
Thank the Olsen´s for their letters! They are soo cute.
Miss you! Chau!!

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