The hot chocolate is different- its not sweet. If you want it to be
sweet you have to add sugar. And it tasted like coffee even though
it´s not coffee. It´s called malta. Or they have nesquik. But i´m
defiantly bringing back malta!
I miss the temple.
The conference was amazing!! You can re-watch Elder Hollands talk and
remember that I love you mom. It was a little bit weird to watch the
conference in Spanish because I know the voices of the apostles, but
Elder Cristofferson dubbed his own talk in Spanish!! It was amazing
to be able to see his face, but hear his voice in Spanish! Elder
ViƱas visited our mission about 4 months ago! It was crazy to see him
on a TV screen and not in person! He dubbed his own talk too.
I still working on translating Jenn´s testimony into Spanish. Being a sister zone
leader is a lot of work, I´m traveling and doing a lot more things. Tonight we
travel to the mission offices for the mission leader conference and then we
are there almost the whole day Tuesday. And then Friday we train missionaries
in one zone and then Saturday a different zone. I´m starting my 3 week in my
new area and I still don´t know it super well!
This week I went on companionship exchanges with an Hermana that I
used to live with and it was one of the best days ever! Their new
district leader doesn´t know how to ride a bike so he gave his bikes
to the Hermanas. I GOT TO RIDE A BIKE!!! It was kinda fun in the
beginning but in the end I was kinda scary because with dirt roads
with lots of rocks it was more like mountain biking. And when it got
dark we used a little flashlight because they arne´t many street
lights and I kinda felt like I was gunna die. But, it was SUPER
pretty because there was a forest of banana trees, and hundreds of
fireflies. And we felt the spirit a lot.
La Colonia is soo pretty. It more tropical than my other area, and
there are little canals everywhere and we walk on really sketchy
bridges. And you can hear little frogs in the nighttime! Everyone
mango and avocado trees. Mango season´s in December and you can
already see the fruit starting.
There is a really fun elderly convert that always has these huge black
spiders in his house. We made a couple of comments but he just
laughed and told us that he´s spider-man.
I love you all, and hope that everything is well!
sweet you have to add sugar. And it tasted like coffee even though
it´s not coffee. It´s called malta. Or they have nesquik. But i´m
defiantly bringing back malta!
I miss the temple.
The conference was amazing!! You can re-watch Elder Hollands talk and
remember that I love you mom. It was a little bit weird to watch the
conference in Spanish because I know the voices of the apostles, but
Elder Cristofferson dubbed his own talk in Spanish!! It was amazing
to be able to see his face, but hear his voice in Spanish! Elder
ViƱas visited our mission about 4 months ago! It was crazy to see him
on a TV screen and not in person! He dubbed his own talk too.
I still working on translating Jenn´s testimony into Spanish. Being a sister zone
leader is a lot of work, I´m traveling and doing a lot more things. Tonight we
travel to the mission offices for the mission leader conference and then we
are there almost the whole day Tuesday. And then Friday we train missionaries
in one zone and then Saturday a different zone. I´m starting my 3 week in my
new area and I still don´t know it super well!
This week I went on companionship exchanges with an Hermana that I
used to live with and it was one of the best days ever! Their new
district leader doesn´t know how to ride a bike so he gave his bikes
to the Hermanas. I GOT TO RIDE A BIKE!!! It was kinda fun in the
beginning but in the end I was kinda scary because with dirt roads
with lots of rocks it was more like mountain biking. And when it got
dark we used a little flashlight because they arne´t many street
lights and I kinda felt like I was gunna die. But, it was SUPER
pretty because there was a forest of banana trees, and hundreds of
fireflies. And we felt the spirit a lot.
La Colonia is soo pretty. It more tropical than my other area, and
there are little canals everywhere and we walk on really sketchy
bridges. And you can hear little frogs in the nighttime! Everyone
mango and avocado trees. Mango season´s in December and you can
already see the fruit starting.
There is a really fun elderly convert that always has these huge black
spiders in his house. We made a couple of comments but he just
laughed and told us that he´s spider-man.
I love you all, and hope that everything is well!
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